
Philosophy of Care

Our physical body is a treasure and we are responsible for its health and wellbeing. Although we might assume much control over our body, the true owner of this body is the one who has created this physiological complex, oversees its fine operation and grants it life support every moment. It is at this end that any intentional harm to the body is considered as a sin in Islam.

In addition, this physical body is a carrier of our Godly soul in this world and is the means by which we can strive for success, help other human beings and seek perfection. For the same reason, we should watch after our health so long as we are granted the bounty of life.


It is the mission of SABA clinic to provide culturally-sensitive free medical care to the underserved community and as well as the bigger local society. In effective partnership with pre-existing free clinics of the area, SABA clinic will provide complemetary medical services in order to contribute to the improvement of health care system available to the uninsured.  More importantly, SABA clinic intends to promote healthy life style practices among its members in order to prevent chronic and infectious diseases. The clinic’s special medical approach is to provide whole-person care to heal the body, spirit and mind and in reaching this goal SABA clinic does not discriminate among its patients on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, social, or financial status. In this respect, SABA clinic management entreats the honored health care professionals of San Jose, California, as well as the community’s caring youth to join this humanistic cause and to offer their medical trainings, talents and skills to the uninsured and underinsured.

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September 2024
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    It is the summer heat in the air. Drink sufficient amount of water, avoid direct sun exposure as much as possible, and take shower frequently to wash off skin sweat.