Physical Activities

Physical Activities

What are the benefits of physical activity?
Physical activity increases your chances of living longer. Exercise can also help:

  • Control your blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight
  • Raise your “good” cholesterol
  • Prevent heart disease, colorectal cancer, and type 2 diabetes

Two types of physical activities

  • Moderate activity: such as walking fast, do at least 2 hrs + 30 min per week, about 20-30 minutes every day.
  • Vigorous activity: such as jogging, jumping rope, riding a bike on hills, do at least 1hr + 30 min per week, about 10-15 minutes every day.

Don’t have time for exercise?

Remember: It’s not all or nothing. Even 10 minutes of activity is better than none.  Doing 3 of 10-minute activities is as good as one 30-minute activity. Look at your schedule for the week. Find several 30–minute time periods you can use for physical activity. Write them on your calendar.  Plan for your physical activity just like you plan for inviting people over or attending SABA programs.

You don’t need to leave your house to be active: 

  • If you have to clean the house (i.e. vacuuming the floor, wiping the windows, etc)   do it in fast pace until you feel your heart beat is going up.
  • If you need to wash dishes, do so while marching at your spot.
  • Do heavy work gardening at your backyard
  • Wash your car/clean your garage
  • Play games that involve physical activities with your kids around the house.
  • Jump rope inside the house at a comfortable pace for one to two minutes, then jump fast for one to two minutes. Repeat, alternating slow and fast intervals for the full 10 minutes.
  • Do aerobic moves like these for one to two minutes each:

    Marching in place

              Alternating knee lifts (touch your knee to your opposite elbow)

              kickboxing kicks to the front and sides

              Wide, side-to-side steps (step left, feet together, step right, feet together)

              Jumping jacks

              Running in place

When you go out:

  • Use stairs instead of elevator if you have healthy knees.
  • Don’t park your car exactly in front of stores/office, park a little farther and walk a little bit.
  • When walk, walk fast to raise your heart beat.

Activity diagram:

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    It is the summer heat in the air. Drink sufficient amount of water, avoid direct sun exposure as much as possible, and take shower frequently to wash off skin sweat.